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Increase your performance and endurance

The dietary supplement beta alanine has gained attention for its ability to moderate the buildup of lactic acid, thereby delaying muscle fatigue during high-intensity exercise. Understanding beta-alanine's role in improving endurance sheds light on its potential to improve performance, particularly during high-intensity repetitive activities. These facts make Beta Alanine an irreplaceable supplement for pushing the limits and achieving peak performance in demanding endurance activities.

Beta Alanine is an amino acid and the main component of carnosine. The availability of carnosine in the muscle depends on an adequate supply of beta-alanine. Beta Alanine is a biogenic amine of aspartic acid. Aspartic acid is a proteinogenic essential amino acid. Beta alanine, together with the amino acid histidine, forms the dipeptide carnosine. Carnosine is found in muscles and is an important buffering substance for lactic acid. During intensive physical activity, lactic acid is produced quickly. Increased lactate production leads to hyperacidification of the muscles. This then leads to a decrease in performance and endurance. Beta-alanine inhibits the secretion of lactic acid, which allows you to train intensively for a long period of time.

Beta alanine is a precursor to carnosine. Carnosine has many physiological functions and is formed from the amino acids L-histidine and beta-alanine. The ergogenic benefits are due to carnosine's intracellular proton buffering capacity. Taking carnosine does not lead to increased muscle concentration because the muscle lacks a specific enzyme that ensures that the carnosine is metabolized before it reaches the muscle. This is where beta alanine comes into play. Beta-alanine allows carnosine to increase in the muscles.

Benefits of Consuming Beta Alanine

How can you benefit from it?

  • Improved performance during high-intensity activities lasting 60 to 240 seconds.
  • Allows for higher training volume during short, intense activities (e.g. sprints).
  • Improves endurance during longer activities (from 4 minutes to 10 minutes).
  • Relieves neuromuscular fatigue.
  • Positive influence on increasing aerobic and anaerobic endurance.

During high-intensity endurance training, hydrogen ions accumulate in the muscles, which leads to hyperacidification of our muscles. Many people often think that the burning sensation we feel in our muscles during intense exercise is lactic acid. In fact, it is the accumulated hydrogen ions that have a negative impact on muscle performance. A drop in pH leads to a decrease in muscle strength and therefore more rapid fatigue. And then the effect of beta-alanine sets in, which prevents fatigue, loss of strength and performance.

Beta Alanine increases carnosine synthesis. Carnosine has the ability to absorb all the hydrogen ions produced and helps normalize pH levels, allowing you to maintain the intensity of your workouts. In order to achieve the desired positive effects on performance and endurance, beta alanine should be taken for at least four weeks. The product is also ideal before training on an empty stomach as it promotes fat burning during training.

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