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Caffeine for an extra kick!!!

Caffeine (1,3,7 – trimethylxanthine) is a natural alkaloid. It is found in leaves, fruits, seeds, etc. various plants such as coffee and tea. It is the most researched and widely used performance enhancing supplement. Caffeine improves aerobic endurance, muscular endurance, strength, explosive power, speed, and focus and concentration.

Faster fat burning and increased performance

Caffeine is often described as the most commonly used stimulant in the world. It is a stimulant found in various foods and drinks. Caffeine occurs naturally in more than 60 plants. The main sources of caffeine in the diet are coffee, tea (green and black tea), mate tea and cocoa. After ingestion, caffeine reaches its highest level in the blood after 30-60 minutes. Some of the effects of caffeine are felt quickly after consumption, namely improved mental alertness, reduced feelings of fatigue, and reduced sleepiness. Certain positive effects of caffeine are not immediately noticeable, namely increased energy consumption (calories).

Caffeine can stimulate the breakdown of triglycerides. The fatty acids released can be used to generate energy. At the same time, caffeine stimulates the effects of catecholamines. The increased activity of catecholamines accelerates fat loss. The body uses fats as its primary energy source, storing carbohydrates stored in the form of glycogen for later use. The latter leads to an increase in performance and a reduction in the possibility of premature muscle fatigue or exhaustion.

Other Benefits of Caffeine

  • Improved performance during repetitive, high-intensity exercise (e.g., team sports).
  • Improved reaction time, concentration and self-perceived energy levels.
  • Improved durability.
  • Improved glycogen synthesis.

Recommended daily caffeine intake

Caffeine reaches its highest concentration in the blood approximately 30-60 minutes after ingestion and remains effective for 4-5 hours after ingestion. It is usually taken one hour before training. For long-term activities (4-5 hours or more), it makes sense to think about consuming caffeine during exercise rather than immediately before.

Consuming smaller amounts of caffeine during exercise can improve performance by keeping blood caffeine levels high and constant. In this case, the total amount should be between 2 and 6 mg per kilogram of body weight.

In certain cases you need it at a specific time, for example at the end of the race with a finish climb. In this case, it is recommended to consume 100-200 mg of caffeine 30-60 minutes before an important section. All forms are effective – caffeinated drinks, capsules/tablets, gels, gummies, bars. Caffeine does NOT have a diuretic effect during exercise.

226ers - CAFFEINE EXPRESS 100 CAPS je prehransko dopolnilo v kapsulah, ki vsebuje kofein. Kofein je eden najbolj priljubljenih stimulansov na svetu, ki stimulira delovanje centralnega živčenga sistema, kar se kaže kot povečanje ravni energije, povečanje koncentracije in zmanjšanje utrujenosti. Caffe..
20,00 €
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Amacx Caffeine Tabs vsebuje kofein. Kofein je znan po svojih podpornih učinkih pri fizičnem naporu. Amacx Caffeine Tabs poveča pozornost, skrajša reakcijski čas in pomaga ohranjati koncentracijo. Amacx Caffeine Tabs so zato idealni za ključne trenutke med tekmovanji ali treningi.Kofein dokazano pove..
15,95 €
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