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How can we speed up recovery after exercise?

After a long or intense training/competition, we recommend recovery drinks that contain everything you need in one drink to quickly replenish your glycogen stores and high-quality whey protein to help you get the most out of your training and prepare for the next training session can. They mix easily with water to rehydrate your body and restore your muscles.

Replenish your glycogen stores after a hard workout by consuming 50 to 75g of carbohydrates along with 20 to 30g of high-quality protein. This means that recovery can begin immediately after training or competition. This is particularly important because after intensive physical activity there is a weakening of immune function that lasts at least a few hours.


During prolonged training, glycogen stores are quickly depleted. If there is no need for rapid glycogen replenishment, a 24-hour high carbohydrate intake is generally sufficient to bring glycogen levels back to normal. In the first few hours after training, the focus of the recovery process is on quickly restoring glycogen stores. It is known that glycogen is stored most quickly in the period immediately after exercise.

In order for glucose to be stored as glycogen, there must be sufficient glucose available in the muscles and at the storage location in the muscle. This means that we have to pay attention to the right diet after exercise. Glycogen resynthesis occurs fastest in the first 30-60 minutes after exercise. This period is often referred to as the insulin-independent phase. This means that glycogen synthesis does not require the action of the hormone insulin, which is sometimes the primary stimulus for glycogen synthesis. This means that glucose uptake into the cell is highest immediately after exercise and then gradually decreases.

Immediately after training we must ensure that we consume sufficient carbohydrates. Recovery drinks contain around 50-60g of carbohydrates, which are absorbed extremely quickly and ensure rapid recovery of glycogen. Most of the best professional athletes drink cherry juice after training and then a recovery drink with proteins and carbohydrates.

Cherry Juice

Cherry Juice has earned an excellent reputation among elite and recreational athletes as a "turbo" recovery drink. Research shows benefits in reducing strength loss and improving muscle recovery after intense exercise.

Cherry Juice has anti-inflammatory effects because it contains a high concentration of anthocyanins, a flavonoid that has similar anti-inflammatory properties to nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and naproxen. Inflammatory joint problems such as osteoarthritis are common among top athletes. Drinking tart cherry juice concentrate can significantly relieve joint pain without the side effects often associated with arthritis medications and NSAIDs. At the same time, muscle pain is also reduced.

Cherry Juice contains melatonin, a phytochemical that is crucial for regulating sleep cycles. Studies have shown that consuming cherry juice concentrate increases melatonin levels. This improves the duration and quality of sleep.


Protein plays an important role in the recovery process after training/competition. The synthesis of muscle proteins and the repair of damaged muscle fibers are key processes after training. In this way we will stimulate adaptation to training. Adaptation involves building new proteins, for which we need building materials, i.e. protein and energy in the form of carbohydrates.

Protein is therefore absolutely necessary after training/competition to stimulate the synthesis of muscle proteins and thus initiate the recovery process.

There are three key factors that determine protein quality:

  • Digestibility
  • Amino acid profile (mainly the content of essential amino acids)
  • Amount of protein provided (g/serving)

Digestibility is extremely important with regard to protein intake. Protein must first be digested and then absorbed into the bloodstream before it can be used by the muscles. The rapid digestibility enables rapid absorption and rapid supply of protein to the muscles.

Why does amino acid composition matter? Of the 20 amino acids needed to build muscle, our bodies can only produce 11 themselves. The remaining 9 must be eaten with food or taken in the form of supplements. High-quality protein is characterized by a complete amino acid composition. Ultimately, the amount of protein consumed is also important, as this provides an optimal environment for the recovery and building of new muscle proteins.

Which protein sources to choose?

Plant-based protein has been gaining popularity recently as consumers increasingly consume foods of plant origin. So is plant protein a better choice than animal protein?

Many studies show that plant-based protein is less digestible (45-80%) compared to animal-based protein (approx. 90%). Research also shows that animal protein has a higher content of essential amino acids (45-50%) than plant sources (30-40%). Vegetable protein also contains less leucine (6-8%) compared to animal protein (8-13%).

But that doesn't mean you should avoid plant-based protein sources. Quite the opposite. Plant-based protein sources should also be included as they contain other compounds such as antioxidants that can have a positive impact on post-training/competition recovery and overall health. Vegans and vegetarians are recommended to combine grains and legumes as they complement each other perfectly, providing a wide range of essential amino acids. Vegans can use rice, pea or wheat protein shakes to supplement their protein and amino acid intake. Vegetarians can add whey protein powder.

Amino acids

Normally, food contains 20 amino acids, which combine into “chains” to form proteins. Amino acids are the building blocks of protein. When protein is absorbed and digested, the amino acids are absorbed and form new proteins in the body.

There are 11 non-essential amino acids that the body can synthesize itself. These amino acids are glycine, glutamate, glutamine, proline, serine, tyrosine, alanine, asparagine, aspartate, arginine and cysteine. The body is unable to synthesize essential amino acids on its own, so they must be consumed with food or in the form of dietary supplements. There are 9 essential amino acids, namely leucine, isoleucine, valine, histidine, tryptophan, lysine, methionine, threonine and phenylalanine. BCAA amino acids are classified as essential amino acids.

BCAAs are believed to be important for stimulating muscle protein synthesis - an important post-workout recovery process. 6g of BCAAs post-workout has been shown to increase post-workout muscle protein synthesis. BCAAs have been shown to be effective in reducing the subjective feeling of muscle soreness 2-3 days after exercise.

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