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Recovery is crucial in training or competition to improve or at least maintain athletic performance. Whey protein supplementation appears to reduce damage to muscle fibers, thereby promoting muscle recovery after strenuous exercise or competition. Consuming only carbohydrates during the recovery period will not adequately stimulate muscle synthesis, impairing the body's ability to repair damaged muscles.

The protein powders from our brands only contain selected and highest quality ingredients. This means that they are very effective at the same time and do not put a strain on your digestion.


Protein plays an important role in the recovery process after training/competition. The synthesis of muscle proteins and the repair of damaged muscle fibers are key processes after training. In this way we will stimulate adaptation (adaptation) to training. Adaptation involves building new proteins, for which we need building materials, i.e. protein and energy in the form of carbohydrates.

Whey protein : Vegan protein

Many studies show that plant protein is more difficult to digest (45-80%) compared to protein of animal origin (approx. 90%). Research also shows that animal protein has a higher content of essential amino acids (45-50%) than plant sources (30-40%). Vegetable protein also contains less leucine (6-8%) compared to animal protein (8-13%).

But that doesn't mean you should avoid plant-based protein sources. Quite the opposite. Plant-based protein sources should also be included as they contain other compounds such as antioxidants that can have a positive impact on post-training/competition recovery and overall health. Vegans and vegetarians are recommended to combine grains and legumes as they complement each other perfectly, providing a wide range of essential amino acids. Vegans can use rice, pea or wheat protein shakes to supplement their protein and amino acid intake. Vegetarians can add whey protein powder.

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